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Daily Productivity Checklist

March 9, 2021


Daily Productivity Checklist | TYIL Method

The absolute first resource provided to my gals in The Yoga Inspired Life Program is what I call, The Daily Productivity Checklist. The reason for this is because I truly believe that the success of your future is hidden in your daily routine. The small choices you make on a consistent basis are the actions that accumulate overtime that can create BIG SHIFTS. Let that sink in, bb.

Today, I am going to break down the four major parts of TYIL Daily Productivity Checklist (top 5 priority list, daily affirmations, daily gratitude, and daily wellness), and explain precisely why incorporating each of these things is critical in building your bliss! 

Top 5 Priority Checklist 

The first step in organizing your day should be writing down your top 5 priorities for that day. Why 5? Because 5 is going to ground you and help you move the needle without feeding into the chronic overdoing. When we pick more than 5, we often find ourselves in a state of overwhelm which can lead to burnout… and as we both know, BURNOUT ISN’T CUTE šŸ˜¬ When we pick less than 5, we donā€™t challenge ourselves to seize the day.Ā 

5 is a realistic number to ensure you are setting yourself up for inevitable success. It allows you to get grounded and rooted in what is most important today- right here, right now. I think itā€™s incredibly important to get really specific and intentional about what is a priority and how you want to spend your energy. Having a plan allows you to move in an intentional direction. Now thatā€™s not to say that things will always go to plan (take it from me, they donā€™t!) But having a plan in place allows you to take inspired aligned action towards your desires and goals. This mentally clears the clutter and keeps you present with only the tasks ahead. I love crossing things off to feel a sense of accomplishment, so try this throughout the day to reward yourself as the day goes along. 

Daily Affirmations

Daily affirmations allow you to tap into the power of your mind, align your thoughts and affirm your empowering core beliefs. Our minds are much ore powerful than we give them credit for, and when we are able to harness the power of our mind, we can truly change the way we experience our lives.

We all have a set of core beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities. Some of our core beliefs may serve us in a positive way, and some may be holding us back from really unleveling and experiencing life the way we desire. In TYIL Program, we deep dive into limiting beliefs and get to the root of the internal narratives that are no longer serving us; and in doing so, we are able to create new core beliefs that are aligned with our desires.

No one is immune to limiting beliefs, we all have them and they typically take root deep in our subconscious mind as a result of something limiting that society, or possibly a parent or authority figure, or even a peer has told us about ourselves. When it comes to limiting beliefs awareness is key! And once you become aware you can rewrite your story and let abundant beliefs take root. Daily affirmations are going to help you re-write that story in your head. The affirmations are like powerful little seeds and by focusing on them daily you are in essence watering them to take root and bloom. Donā€™t discount how these stories affect your reality! Whether we realize it or not, many of us have spent years reinforcing these limiting beliefs; now, we must dedicate time daily reworking them to step into the highest versions of ourselves and elevate into who we are truly meant to be. 

Last thing Iā€™ll say on this is that it is crucial to positive affirmative statements when writing your affirmations. Always focus on what you desire and write it out in the present tense! For example: if I am focusing on affirming abundance and letting go of a lack mentality around money instead of saying ā€œI am not broke anymoreā€ (which is actually placing focus on being BROKE) I would instead affirm ā€œI am abundantā€ ā€œI am a magnet for wealth and abundanceā€ I attract abundance and wealth with ease and flowā€ etcā€¦ hopefully that makes sense!

Daily Gratitude

I cannot stress enough how vital tapping into gratitude daily is. It is a significant component in being able to tap into the power of the universe. I have an entire podcast episode allllll about gratitude on The Yoga Inspired Life Podcast so definitely give it a listen if you havenā€™t already, but for the purposes of this blog post Iā€™ll give you a quick rundown… an attitude of gratitude breeds abundance!!!! No, seriously. Gratitude is SUPER powerful, it’s one of the highest vibrational feelings! When we cultivate gratitude we become a magnet for more things to be grateful for!Ā 

We often discount the power of energy. Like attracts like. What we appreciate, appreciates. Thus an attitude of scarcity or lack is only going to continue to perpetuate that cycle. It works against us. Having desires and goals is amazing, but if you are only focused on what you want, without focusing on all the goodness you already have, you are inadvertently focusing on lack. By writing a list of everything you are grateful for each day, you are opening yourself up to have more of what you desire to flow into your life. Whether thatā€™s simply a good night’s sleep or as grander as landing your dream job. 

Daily Wellness

In TYIL, I break daily wellness into 4 categories on the daily productivity checklist: mediation, movement, journaling, and pranayama (or breathwork)ā€¦ but itā€™s really all about engaging in inspiring daily practices that help you align with your soul, get connected to your energy and get you into a high vibrational state. I recently added in working with my oracle cards each morning after I mediate and it has been powerful. You have to experiment and find what works for you! In a perfect world, you would check off every one of them, every day, and I encourage you to try to fit them all into a routine. But at the very least, make sure you can do one or two every single day!

Why? Because we cannot pour from an empty cup. So often, we try to show up for everyone and everything. Yet, we do not show up for ourselves. By incorporating daily wellness into our daily routines, we make it inevitable to show up for ourselves. And showing up for yourself allows you to be the best version of you for yourself, and everyone else in your world!

When you join The Yoga Inspired Life Program, you get a super cute worksheet to make The Daily Productivity checklist easy and doable for you. Even more significant, you get a community of people incorporating this into their daily routine at the same time as you. Talk about power in numbers. Can you imagine how much mindful productivity collectively is getting done? Come and tap into that energy, bb!Ā The next cycle of The Yoga Inspired Life Program begins Spring 2021; if youā€™re ready to discover your purpose, build your bliss and create a life you love living send me an email and we can chat more about TYIL program or head to the program page to learn more!

Till then, incorporate these 4 critical pieces into any planner or calendar you may be using. These tools are resources to ensure you are finding the flow in building your bliss each and every day! Stick with it and feel the positive shifts!

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About The Blogger

Hey! I'm Shayla

Iā€™m a yoga and fitness loving, green juice drinking, wanderlust-ing, wellness obsessed gal living in Los Angeles, CA with my sweet rescue dogs Penny Lane and Bali.

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